Articles | Volume 11, issue 1
15 Dec 1960
 | 15 Dec 1960

Zur Deutung eines neuentdeckten interglazialen Seeton-Vorkommens im Berchtesgadener Land

Hans Pichler

Abstract. The discussion deals with the opinion of Ganss (1953) according to which the altitude of a lacustrine-clay deposit found by him, 870 metres above sea-level, is proof for an enormous interglacial filling-up (350 metres in thickness) of the Berchtesgaden basin (Berchtesgaden Alps, Upper Bavaria). This view of Ganss necessarily includes — in accordance with interglacial morphology — similar immense accumulations in the neighbouring Salzach valley and in the Reichenhall basin. The fact, however, that there are no remainders of such enormous gravel beds, is contrary to the Ganss interpretation. The local lacustrine-clay occurrence is to be considered as a deposit of a small cirque lake within the former cirque expanse of the "Resten".
