Ergebnisse neuerer Untersuchungen zur Würmlöß-Gliederung in Hessen
Abstract. The eolian sediments of the "Würm" following above the last interglacial soil Parabraunerde and pseudogleyed Parabraunerde respectively) can be divided — by characteristic soil horizons — into three sections (old, middle and young Würm). Typical for the old Würm are humic zones, for the middle Würm — besides several "Naßböden" browncoloured (weathered) zones of decalcification with a thickness of up to 1,1 m, and for the young Würm several weakly developed thin browneoloured weathering zones and "Naßböden" (wet soils). The most significant key horizon of the young Würm is the Kärlich tuff layer which recently was also encountered in Northern Hessen. Finally, the division scheme estabilished in Hessen is compared with the Würm-loess divisions in other countries of Europe.