Die stratigraphische Stellung des Warthe-Stadiums in Polen
Abstract. The stratigraphic position of the "Varta Stadium" is defined by the following facts in Middle Poland: 1) End-moraines of the "Varta Stadium" are located 50-120 km. northward from maximal extension (Radomka Stadium) of the Middle polish glaciation (R, Saale glac); these moraine deposits cover organogenic deposits of the penultimate interglaciation (M/R; Holstein Intgl.). 2) Last interglacial deposits are known from many places in depressions without outflow and which are distributed on the surface of moraines from Varta stadium. 3) The morainic horizon of the Varta stadium is separated from the one of the maximal extension of the Middle Polish glaciation by erosive valleys 15-20 m. deep and filled with deposits representing one cycle of fluvial accumulation (Pilica interstadial). These deposits, covered by varved clays or in other places by loess, may be traced as far as 100 km. north from the maximal reach of the "Varta Stadium". 4) The "Varta Stadium" was followed (in the region between 20°-23° E) by the Bug-Narev Interstadial, then by the ice advance of the Vkra Stadium followed by an additional interstadial (Regimin Interstadial) and then by the last advance of the penultimate glaciation - Mlavastadium. Northward from the area where the "Mlava Stadium" deposits occur on the surface, interglacial series of that age are covered by morainic deposits of the last glaciation (W, Weichsel glac, Baltic glac). 6) The fossil soils of podzol type, which are connected with Pilica Interstadial and covered by moraines of the Varta Stadium, are known in lower Pilica region. But organogenic deposits of that age, separating the Radomka and Varta Stadium (morainic horizons!) are not known until now. Peats found at Brzozowica near Bedzin some 80 km. south of the maximal extension of the Varta Stadium which show palynological features of an interstadial character, are most probably of that age. The Varta Stadium represents in writer's opinion one of the three recessional stadia of the penultimate glaciation, which are separated by well marked interstadials corresponding to climatic oscillations of similar order of magnitude. The limit of occurrence of the brown Baltic porphyry, which was regarded by V. and K. Milthers as a dead line of their "Varta Glaciation", runs discordantly with the end-morainic zones of that age through Middle Poland. In the region between 19°-22° it is shifted southward, up to the maximal reach of the Middle Polish glaciation. To the west and to the east from the mentioned region the occurrence of the brown porphyry is coextensive with the reach of the Varta stadium. The large quantities of local Jurassic and Cretaceous flints (to 80% within 0,5—5,0 cm. grain size) in moraines of older stadia make it impossible to apply K. Richter's boulder coefficient method.