Articles | Volume 17, issue 1
15 Dec 1966
 | 15 Dec 1966

Die Fauna von Hunas (Nördliche Frankenalb) im Rahmen der deutschen Quartärfaunen

Florian Heller

Abstract. After nine years working the excavations of the cave-ruines of Hunas (East of Nuremberg, Bavaria) were interrupted for some time. Now a more detailed account is given of the faunas in the several strata of the Quaternary-profile having a thickness between 22,5 and 23 m. For the determination of the age of the deposits the abundantly found remains of small mammals are of high importance. Among the forms which in many cases must be brought into connexion with old quaternary species, Allocricetus bursae Schaub and Parapodemus coronensis Schaub are extremely surprising. Surely being younger than the fauna of Steinheim a. d. Murr, the fauna of Hunas should essentially belong to the Riss glaciation with its different phases and also to the Riss-Würm-Interglacial.
