Articles | Volume 17, issue 1
15 Dec 1966
 | 15 Dec 1966

Beitrag zur Gliederung des Würm in Mitteleuropa

Rudolf Musil and Karel Valoch

Abstract. The paper evaluates new information bearing upon the stratigraphy of the last Ice Age in Moravia. In reaching their conclusions not only the loess outcrops are considered but also the results of numerous investigations into the caves of the Moravin Karst region. Here, in cave entrances, typical loess and cave sediments are occasionally found together. They contain many palaeontological and archaeological remains. As it is concluded that the Würm period is one of many component parts the generally current interstadial terms are not used, instead names are derived from typical localities of the area. Additional evidence is cited for the existence of a Middle Würm interstadial to which the name Podhradem Interstadial is given.
