Die eiszeitliche Vergletscherung des Bayerischen Waldes
Abstract. Corries, abrupt slopes, steep heads closing basin-like valleys, waterfalls and rapids are the characteristic association of land forms in the highest parts of the Bayrischer Wald (Bavaria) above about 1000 m. Such forms are also to be found in areas lower than the previously described boulder moraines and offer proof of an extensive glaciation. A C-14 determination of a sample from the ground moraine occurring in a sandpit near the Schustersäge in the Reschwasser Valley puts the origin of the moraines at about 40,800 years B. P. The Würm Glaciation can be divided into three stages: 1, that of the maximum glaciation, 2, that of the boulder moraines and 3, that of the corrie moraines. The snow lines of the three stages must have been about 1060, 1140 and 1230 m. Respectively. Some exposures on high terraces in the area of the R. Regen show signs of glacial pressure effects. These deposits are older than the last glaciation and, like the findings in the Black Forest, indicate an even more widespread Riss Glaciation. The map shows the maximum extension of the Würm glaciers in the Bayrischer and the Böhmer-Wald. For the latter area, lying in Czechoslovakia, the evidence has been derived by extrapolation from the Bayrischer Wald and from interpretation of topographical maps without field control.