Articles | Volume 26, issue 1
01 Jan 1975
 | 01 Jan 1975

Zur relativen und absoluten Geochronologie der Reliefentwicklung an der Küste des mittleren Südwestafrika

Friedrich Wieneke and Uwe Rust

Abstract. Results concerning Quaternary geomorphic events in Coastal Namib Desert are presented. We found two high stands and one low stand of the sea level. We obtained radiocarbon dates of Intra-wurm age (ca. 26 000 B.P.) for the younger one of the high stands. This is a eustatic high stand. Late Quaternary tectonic movements of the coastal region have to be considered. The sea level changes are linked to stages of terrestrian morphogenesis. The high stands of the sea level correspond with „arid", the low stands with „humid" environments.
