Articles | Volume 10, issue 1
15 Dec 1959
 | 15 Dec 1959

Zur Abfolge und Altersstellung quartärer Bildungen im Stadtgebiet von Göttingen

H. G. Wunderlich

Abstract. The Pleistocene of the Leine valley occurs as gravel deposits filling up the inter-glacial erosion channels. That is why, it is more convenient to separate and classify them into groups from bottom upwards. Gravels of the Leine as well as its tributaries have contributed in building up the valley deposits, as is shown by the compositions of these horizons. The genetic relationship between the accentuated solifluction at the slopes of the Leine valley and the deposition on the valley bottom is readily recognisable in the bore hole profiles. Stowage due to the formation of talus fans at the mouth of the tributaries caused the sedimentation of a thick deposit of post-Pleistocene age, which covered up the forms of the Diluvial deposits and made their nature nearly indiscernible. Based on the bore hole samples, a few problems of post-Pleistocene fine-clastic sedimentation have been discussed in the light of the theories and their applications.
