Über Vorkommen „degradierter Steppenböden" in den Lößgebieten des Niederrheins und Westfalens und ihre Bedeutung für die Paläobodenkunde und Bodengenese
Abstract. The loess soils of the Lower Rhine area and of Westphalia partially present deep humic horizonts, the genesis of which was unknown. By the evaluation of elaborated soil estimation maps (M. 1 : 5000), the distribution of the deep humic soils could be identified with the loess distribution. A connection to the existing chernozem areas was possible. Grounded on climate theories, nontree pollen analyses, interstadial chernozem formation and the history of vegetation of this area the deep humic soils are recognized as relics of a late glacial zonal chernozem formation. The conclusion from this late glacial zonal chernozem formation for plalaeosoil science and soil development are discussed.