Articles | Volume 17, issue 1
15 Dec 1966
 | 15 Dec 1966

Der Ablauf des Erdzeitalters

Paul Woldstedt

Abstract. A tentative curve for the whole Ice age or Quaternary is given, especially for Europe. The Quaternary consists of 6—7 cycles beginning each time with a cold phase and ending with a warm one. Three subdivisions can be distinguished: The Lower Quaternary comprehends the Praetiglian cold phase, the Tiglian warm phase, the Eburonian cold phase and the Waalian warm phase. Probably there is still another cycle before them of a pluvial-interpluvial character. The Medial Quaternary embraces the Günz Glaciation, the Cromerian Interglacial, the Mindel Glaciation, which probably is twofold, and the Holstein-Interglacial. The Upper Quaternary comprehends the Riss Glaciation, which also is twofold, the Eem-Interglacial, the Würm Glaciation and the Postglacial or Holocene. The latter cannot have the status of a formation, but only of a subdivision of the Würm cycle. It seems that the cold phases increase in intensity in the course of the Ice age and reach their

maximum in the Mindel or Riss glaciations. The figures given by the K/Ar method for the human

Evolution can hardly be inserted in this curve.
