Articles | Volume 69, issue 2
Research article
14 Dec 2020
Research article |  | 14 Dec 2020

Snail assemblages in Holocene floodplain research – an example from the southern Caucasus

Hans von Suchodoletz, Christiane Richter, Frank Walther, Marcel Bliedtner, Mariam Eloshvili, Levan Losaberidze, and Bernhard Hausdorf


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Short summary
We studied snails from Holocene river sediments of the upper Alazani River in the southeastern Caucasus. Since no natural floodplain forests existed in the river valley until ca. 4500 years ago, our snail data confirm a formerly suggested regional settlement center from the ca. 8000 years unknown thus far. Furthermore, increasing proportions of water-related snails for ca. 4000 years indicate a shift of the river course possibly linked with the formation of the Greater Caucasus.