Articles | Volume 71, issue 2
Research article
08 Sep 2022
Research article |  | 08 Sep 2022

Fluvial activity of the late-glacial to Holocene “Bergstraßenneckar” in the Upper Rhine Graben near Heidelberg, Germany – first results

Max Engel, Felix Henselowsky, Fabian Roth, Annette Kadereit, Manuel Herzog, Stefan Hecht, Susanne Lindauer, Olaf Bubenzer, and Gerd Schukraft

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Cited articles

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Short summary
The late-glacial Bergstraßenneckar is a former course of the Neckar River in the Upper Rhine Graben of southwest Germany at a time when the confluence with the Rhine river was 50 km further to the north. The former river bends are still visible in topographic maps and satellite imagery. Sediment cores and geophysical measurements from the former river channels let us reconstruct the shift from a running river to silting-up meanders and permit us to date this to ca. 11 000 to 10 500 years ago.