Articles | Volume 68, issue 2
Research article
30 Jul 2019
Research article |  | 30 Jul 2019

10Be-based exploration of the timing of deglaciation in two selected areas of southern Norway

Philipp Marr, Stefan Winkler, Steven A. Binnie, and Jörg Löffler

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Cited articles

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Short summary
This paper is about deglaciation history in two areas of southern Norway. By dating rock surfaces we can estimate a minimum ice sheet thickness of 1476 m a.s.l. and a timing of deglaciation around 13 000 years ago in the western study area. In the eastern study area the deglaciation history is complex as the bedrock age most likely has inheritance from earlier ice-free periods. Comparing both study areas demonstrates the complex dynamics of the deglaciation in different areas in southern Norway.