Articles | Volume 69, issue 2
Research article
30 Oct 2020
Research article |  | 30 Oct 2020

Proposing a new conceptual model for the reconstruction of ice dynamics in the SW sector of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) based on the reinterpretation of published data and new evidence from optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating

Christopher Lüthgens, Jacob Hardt, and Margot Böse

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Ice dynamics in the SW sector of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) – a fresh perspective from the classical area of the Weichselian glaciation in northern Brandenburg
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Early Holocene cold snaps and their expression in the moraine record of the eastern European Alps
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A composite 10Be, IR-50 and 14C chronology of the pre-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) full ice extent of the western Patagonian Ice Sheet on the Isla de Chiloé, south Chile (42° S)
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Cited articles

Anjar, J., Larsen, N., Björck, S., Adrielsson, L., and Filipsson, H.: MIS 3 marine and lacustrine sediments at Kriegers Flak, southwestern Baltic Sea, Boreas, 39, 360–366, 2010. 
Anjar, J., Adrielsson, L., Bennike, O., Björck, S., Filipsson, H.L., Groeneveld, J., Knudsen, K. L., Larsen, N. K., and Möller, P.: Palaeoenvironments in the southern Baltic Sea Basin during Marine Isotope Stage 3: a multi-proxy reconstruction, Quaternary Sci. Rev., 34, 81–92, 2012. 
Anjar, J., Adrielsson, L., Larsen, N.K., Möller, P., and Barth, K.: Weichselian history of the Fennoscandian ice sheet in southern Sweden and the southwestern Baltic Basin, Boreas, 43, 608–626, 2014. 
Asch, K.: The 1:5 Million International Geological Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas – IGME 5000, BGR, Hannover, 2005. 
Böse, M.: Methodisch-stratigraphische Studien und paläomorphologische Untersuchungen zum Pleistozän südlich der Ostsee, Berliner geographische Abhandlungen, 51,, 1989. 
Short summary
Our new concept of the Weichselian ice dynamics in the south-western sector of the Baltic Sea depression is based on existing geochronological data from Germany, Denmark and southernmost Sweden, as well as new data from north-east Germany. Previous models are mainly based on the reconstruction of morphologically continuous ice-marginal positions, whereas our model shows a strong lobate and variable character of ice advances. We strongly suggest an age- and process-based approach in the future.