Articles | Volume 71, issue 1
Research article
18 Jan 2022
Research article |  | 18 Jan 2022

Late Quaternary landform evolution and sedimentary successions in the Miaoli Tableland, northwestern Taiwan

Shih-Hung Liu, Robert Hebenstreit, and Margot Böse

Data sets

The columnar sections and pictures of the outcrops in Miaoli Tableland S.-H. Liu, M. Böse, and R. Hebenstreit

Short summary
The Miaoli Tableland (northwestern Taiwan) consists of a sequence of fine-grained tidal to coarse fluvial late Quaternary sediments which underwent a spatially differentiated uplift and fluvial dissection. They reveal repeated rework processes of fluvial cobbles from the highlands to the coast. A new landform classification based on high-resolution 3D terrain analysis results in a new interpretation of the landform evolution. The results favour a local rarely used Quaternary stratigraphic code.