Articles | Volume 68, issue 2
Research article
09 Jan 2020
Research article |  | 09 Jan 2020

Preface: Special Issue “Geoarchaeology and past human–environment interactions”

Hans von Suchodoletz, Stefanie Berg, Eileen Eckmeier, Lukas Werther, and Christoph Zielhofer

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Snail assemblages in Holocene floodplain research – an example from the southern Caucasus
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Age and origin of leaf wax n-alkanes in fluvial sediment–paleosol sequences and implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions
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Cited articles

Beilharz, D. and Krausse, D.: Archäologische Denkmale in land- und forstwirtschaftlich genutzten Gebieten, edited by: Landesamt für Denkmalpflege im Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, Archäologie – Landwirtschaft – Forstwirtschaft: Wege zur integrativen Nutzung von Bodendenkmalen in der Kulturlandschaft, 8–19, 2015. 
Benedetti, M. M., Cordova, C. E., and Beach, T.: Soils, sediments and geoarchaeology: Introduction, Catena, 85, 83–86, 2011. 
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Cannell, R. J. S.: On the definition and practice of geoarchaeology, Primitive Tider, 14, 1–15, 2012. 
Engel, M. and Brückner, H.: Late Quaternary environments and societies: progress in geoarchaeology, Z. Geomorphol., 58, 1–6, 2014. 
Short summary
In this editorial, we give a short state of the art of geoarchaeology, including recent advancements and challenges, and shortly present the seven contributions to our special issue.