Articles | Volume 70, issue 2
17 Dec 2021
Retrospectives |  | 17 Dec 2021

A tribute to Fink (1956): On the correlation of terraces and loesses in Austria

Tobias Sprafke

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Cited articles

Brunnacker, K.: Regionale Bodendifferenzierungen während der Würmeiszeit, E&G Quaternary Sci. J., 7, 43–48,, 1956. 
Fink, J.: Zur Korrelation der Terrassen und Lösse in Österreich, E&G Quaternary Sci. J., 7, 49–77,, 1956. 
Fink, J.: Die Gliederung des Jungpleistozäns in Oesterreich, Mitteilungen der Geologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 54, 1–25​​​​​​​, 1961. 
Götzinger, G.: Das Lößgebiet um Göttweig und Krems an der Donau, in: Führer für die Quartär-Exkursionen in Österreich, edited by: Götzinger, G., Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien, pp. 1–11, 1936. 
Lomax, J., Fuchs, M., Preusser, F., and Fiebig, M.: Luminescence based loess chronostratigraphy of the Upper Palaeolithic site Krems-Wachtberg, Austria, Quatern. Int., 351, 88–97, 2014. 
Short summary
This work is an invited retrospective to the seminal paper of Fink (1956). Fink combined field evidence from geology, geomorphology, and soil science to provide a holistic framework of Quaternary stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental evolution in the Austrian Alpine foreland. This paper is an outstanding example of the relevance of interdisciplinary perspectives to understand landscape evolution. With a few exceptions in detail, the findings of Fink remain largely valid until today.