Articles | Volume 67, issue 2
Research article
10 Jan 2019
Research article |  | 10 Jan 2019

New data from the Middle Palaeolithic Cotencher cave (Swiss Jura): site formation, environment, and chronology

Judit Deák, Frank Preusser, Marie-Isabelle Cattin, Jean-Christophe Castel, and François-Xavier Chauvière

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Provided here are novel data concerning site formation processes and Middle Palaeolithic human presence at Cotencher cave (Switzerland). A local glaciation around 70 ka was followed by ice-free conditions, when artefacts and faunal remains were displaced by solifluction processes. Evidence of local glacier development around 36 ka is also presented. This interdisciplinary study contributes new elements for the understanding of climatic changes and human passage in the central Jura Mountains.