Articles | Volume 69, issue 1
Research article
11 Feb 2020
Research article |  | 11 Feb 2020

Long-term human impact and environmental change in mid-western Ireland, with particular reference to Céide Fields – an overview

Michael O'Connell, Karen Molloy, and Eneda Jennings

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Long-term environmental change in Co. Mayo, on the mid-Atlantic seaboard of Ireland, is discussed. Pollen diagrams and bog pine, dated by 14C and dendrochronology, provide evidence for woodlands, farming and climate change. Intensive farming is dated to the early Neolithic (3800–3400 BC) prior to wide-scale spread of blanket bog. Construction of the peat-covered, stone-wall field system at Céide Fields occurred at this time which is unexpectedly early. Bronze and Iron Age activity is detailed.