Articles | Volume 71, issue 2
Research article
23 Aug 2022
Research article |  | 23 Aug 2022

Investigating the loess–palaeosol sequence of Bahlingen-Schönenberg (Kaiserstuhl), southwestern Germany, using a multi-methodological approach

Tabea Schulze, Lea Schwahn, Alexander Fülling, Christian Zeeden, Frank Preusser, and Tobias Sprafke

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Multi-method study of the Middle Pleistocene loess–palaeosol sequence of Köndringen, SW Germany
Lea Schwahn, Tabea Schulze, Alexander Fülling, Christian Zeeden, Frank Preusser, and Tobias Sprafke
E&G Quaternary Sci. J., 72, 1–21,,, 2023
Short summary

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Diverse phenotypes of Late Glacial–Early Holocene downy birch (Betula pubescens Erh.) and the morphology of early Preboreal tree stands in southern Schleswig-Holstein
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E&G Quaternary Sci. J., 73, 23–40,,, 2024
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Reconstructing the Eemian to Middle Pleniglacial pedosedimentary evolution of the Baix loess–palaeosol sequence (Rhône Rift Valley, southern France) – basic chronostratigraphic framework and palaeosol characterisation
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E&G Quaternary Sci. J., 73, 1–22,,, 2024
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A 1100-year multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental record from Lake Höglwörth, Bavaria, Germany
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Palaeoenvironmental research at Hawelti–Melazo (Tigray, northern Ethiopia) – insights from sedimentological and geomorphological analyses
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Cited articles

Abdulkarim, M., Grema, H. M., Adamu, I. H., Mueller, D., Schulz, M., Ulbrich, M., Miocic, J. M., and Preusser, F.: Effect of using different chemical dispersing agents in grain size analyses of fluvial sediments via laser diffraction spectrometry, Methods and Protocols, 4, 44,, 2021. 
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Antoine, P., Rousseau, D.-D., Moine, O., Kunesch, S., Hatte, C., Lang, A., Tissoux, H., and Zöller, L.: Rapid and cyclic aeolian deposition during the Last Glacial in European loess: a high-resolution record from Nussloch, Germany, Quaternary Sci. Rev., 28, 2955–2973,, 2009. 
Antoine, P., Rousseau, D.-D., Degeai, J.-P., Moine, O., Lagroix, F., Kreutzer, S., Fuchs, M., Hatte, C., Gauthier, C., Svoboda, J., and Lisa, L.: High-resolution record of the environmental response to climatic variations during the Last Interglacial-Glacial cycle in Central Europe: the loess-palaeosol sequence of Dolní Vestonice (Czech Republic), Quaternary Sci. Rev., 67, 17–38,, 2013. 
Short summary
A loess sequence in SW Germany was investigated using a high-resolution multi-method approach. It dates to 34–27 ka and comprises layers of initial soil formation. Drier conditions and a different atmospheric circulation pattern during the time of deposition are expected as the soil layers are less strongly developed compared to similar horizons further north. Dust accumulation predates the last advance of Alpine glaciers, and no loess deposition is recorded for the time of maximum ice extent.