Articles | Volume 74, issue 1
Research article
25 Feb 2025
Research article |  | 25 Feb 2025

Holocene vegetation dynamics and sedimentation processes in a small depression on a Pleistocene plain – a multi-proxy approach for the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of a Neolithic settlement area near Leipzig, Saxony

Christian Tinapp, Maren Gumnior, Susann Heinrich, Christoph Herbig, Saskia Kretschmer, Birgit Schneider, Harald Stäuble, and Astrid Stobbe

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Late Weichselian–Holocene valley development of the Elbe valley near Dresden – linking sedimentation, soil formation and archaeology
Christian Tinapp, Johannes Selzer, Norman Döhlert-Albani, Birgit Fischer, Susann Heinrich, Christoph Herbig, Frauke Kreienbrink, Tobias Lauer, Birgit Schneider, and Harald Stäuble
E&G Quaternary Sci. J., 72, 95–111,,, 2023
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Holocene floodplain evolution in a central European loess landscape – geoarchaeological investigations of the lower Pleiße valley in NW Saxony
Christian Tinapp, Susann Heinrich, Christoph Herbig, Birgit Schneider, Harald Stäuble, Jan Miera, and Hans von Suchodoletz
E&G Quaternary Sci. J., 68, 95–105,,, 2019
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E&G Quaternary Sci. J., 73, 23–40,,, 2024
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Reconstructing the Eemian to Middle Pleniglacial pedosedimentary evolution of the Baix loess–palaeosol sequence (Rhône Rift Valley, southern France) – basic chronostratigraphic framework and palaeosol characterisation
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E&G Quaternary Sci. J., 73, 1–22,,, 2024
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A 1100-year multi-proxy palaeoenvironmental record from Lake Höglwörth, Bavaria, Germany
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Cited articles

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Short summary
An important multicultural Neolithic site was discovered in a lignite mine area near Leipzig in the vicinity of a former pond with organic-rich sediments. Various geoarchaeological investigations were carried out. It was possible to reconstruct the vegetation and land use history of a central German Altsiedellandschaft using a near-site pollen profile for the first time. The widespread pine forests had already diversified to mixed-oak forests due to anthropogenic use in the Atlantic period. 